Hello. I’m Marcel Kaufmann.

Master of Science in Photonics and Computer Vision
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Engineering

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What I do





Currently, I am a PhD candidate in Computer Engineering at the „Making Innovative Space Technologies“ Laboratory at Polytechnique Montréal in Canada.

I have recently completed my assignment as a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Visiting Student Researcher where I was working on multi-robot systems for the exploration of challenging and unknown underground environments with Team CoSTAR. Find more info about MIST Lab and Team CoSTAR here:




Visit mistlab.caNASA Team CoSTAR
What I do

Programming, Robotics, Computer Vision, and Photonics

I’m a full-stack roboticist with a background in photonics, computer vision, multi-robot mission autonomy, and human-robot interaction.
Solving challenging problems is a passion of mine for which I deploy my professional skills that I continuously extend.
Hence, these skills include but are not limited to the following programming languages, libraries and tools:

- Python, C/C++, Matlab, IDL, Java, Java Script
- OpenCV, PCL
- Git, SVN, CMake
- Qt, React
- Unity as VR Engine

Research Focus

Research Focus

I’m interested in Robotics, Mission Autonomy, Human-Robot Interaction, Photonics and Computer Vision. My dissertation focuses on “Symbiotic Human and Multi-Robot Planetary Exploration Systems”. I’m expecting to graduate in early fall 2022. Please visit Google Scholar to see our latest work:

Publications on Google Scholar

Work Experience, Research Partners, and Collaborators


Awards and Scholarships

Contact me

Let’s work together!

I’m always happy and excited to discuss new projects and technologies. Especially in the fields of image processing, computer vision and/or robotics. If you are interested let me know.